“Exchange bias in molecule/Fe3GeTe2 van der Waals heterostructures via spinterface effects” , J. Jo, F. Calavalle, B. Martín-García, D. Tezze, F. Casanova, A. Chuvilin, L.E. Hueso, and M. Gobbi.
Advanced Materials 34, 2200474 (2022)
Previous works
“Tailoring Superconductivity in Large- Area Single-Layer NbSe2 via Self-Assembled Molecular Adlayers” F. Calavalle, P. Dreher, A. P. Surdendran, W. Wan, M. Timpel, R. Verucchi, C. Rogero, T. Bauch, F. Lombardi, F. Casanova, M. V. Nardi, M. M. Ugeda, L. E. Hueso* and M. Gobbi*
Nano Lett., 21, 136-143 (2021)
“Graphene transistors for real-time monitoring molecular self-assembly dynamics”, M. Gobbi, A. Galanti, M.-A. Stoeckel, B. Zyska, S. Bonacchi, S. Hecht, P. Samorì.
Nature Commun. 11, 4731 (2020)
“Covalently interconnected transition metal dichalcogenide networks via defect engineering for high-performance electronic devices”, S. Ippolito, A. G. Kelly, R. Furlan de Oliveira, M.-A. Stoeckel, D. Iglesias, A. Roy, C. Downing, Z. Bian, L. Lombardi, Y. A. Samad, V. Nicolosi, A. C. Ferrari, J. N. Coleman, P. Samorì*
Nat. Nanotechnol., 16, 592–598 2021
“Boosting proximity spin-orbit coupling in graphene/WSe2 heterostructures via hydrostatic pressure”, B. Fülöp, A. Márffy, S. Zihlmann, M. Gmitra, E. Tóvári, B. Szentpéteri, M. Kedves, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, J. Fabian, C. Schönenberger, P. Makk & S. Csonka*
npj 2D Mater. Appl. 5, 82 (2021)
“Transport measurements on van der Waals heterostructures under pressure”, B. Fülöp, A. Márffy, E. Tóvári, M. Kedves, S. Zihlmann, D. Indolese, Z. Kovács-Krausz, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, C. Schönenberger, I. Kézsmárki, P. Makk, S. Csonka*
arXiv:2103.14617 (2021).
“Electronic and magnetic properties of single-layer FeCl2 with defects”, E. Ceyhan, M. Yagmurcukardes, F. M. Peeters, and H. Sahin*
Phys. Rev. B 103, 014106 (2021)
“Fabrication of a Postfunctionalizable, Biorepellent, Electroactive Polyurethane” Interface on a Gold Surface by Surface-Assisted Polymerization”, S. Ozenler, Y. Sozen, H. Sahin*, and U. H. Yildiz
Langmuir, 36, 24, 6828-6836 (2020)